Pastoral Training Resources

GProLearning is a library of globally-sourced, biblically sound pastoral training resources aimed at helping pastors and trainers of pastors. Choose from thousands of resources available in a handful of languages and appropriate for various learning styles, cultural norms, and literacy levels. GProLearning is an initiative of the Global Proclamation Commission for Trainers of Pastors, a ministry of Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health.


Easy to use – pastoral training resources in downloadable audio, video and/or written format; options suitable for everyone from smartphone experts to those who work with oral learners.

Adaptable – browse the Library; explore our Lead, Think, Preach and Live Biblically resource categories; Search for a specific resource.

Applicable – pastoral training resources that would be relevant in multiple cultural settings; options feature both tried-and-true resources and newly developed resources.

No cost – free to you! We have already worked on any copyright issues. We do encourage you to recognize in writing the author or providing organization of any resource you use. It’s one way we can acknowledge and express gratitude for their hard work and generosity.

Global – pastoral training resources gathered from trainers of pastors around the world, in multiple languages.

Biblical – reviewed for agreement with Lausanne Covenant or WEA Statement of Faith.


We pray GProLearning will help you and those you train to lead, think, preach and live biblically.


The larger project

In June 2016, more than 2,500 trainers of pastors from 101 countries attended the historic Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers—a connecting, resourcing and planning event focused solely on training pastors.

The GProCongress launched a four-year follow-up project called the Global Proclamation Commission for Trainers of Pastors, which seeks to connect, unite and strengthen trainers of pastors and to collect, in statistical form and for strategic purposes, the number of pastors being trained by various pastoral training initiatives worldwide. It is our intent to use this collected data to provide wisdom for future training efforts. GProLearning is just one project of the GProCommission for Trainers of Pastors. Other projects and the fruit God has provided so far are outlined below. 

This secure, web-based platform allows members to connect, share their pastoral training commitments and progress, access a library of resources, organize groups, and more.

  •   3,778 registered users
  • 13,000+ connections between users
Our website and email and social media campaigns are executed in multiple languages and feature content from a variety of best-practice holders from the formal and non-formal pastoral training sectors.
  • is available in three languages, features 68 blog posts from a variety of authors and a calendar of international training events. To date it has had 8,444 visitors from 140 countries.
  • Email & social media campaigns led to the downloading of 1,500 pastoral training resources in 2017.
This team is tasked with personally connecting with as many pastoral trainers and leaders as possible.
  •  12 colleagues in eight time zones speaking 14 different languages compose the team.
  • They are connecting with pastoral leaders and pastoral trainers in 68 different countries and are calling new countries every month.
Formal/Non-formal Pastoral Training Dialogue
  •  Several opportunities for this dialogue have occurred since the GProCongress.
  • Most notably, in July 2017, 19 formal and non-formal training leaders came together to continue a discussion on pastoral training as a mission’s mandate, which was started at the GProCongress. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ramesh Richard.
 Pastoral Training Resources
  • By the end of 2017, 4,300+ resources—including audio, video and text resources—had been added to our online resource library and are shareable with pastoral leaders and pastoral trainers around the world.
  • At the end of 2017, resources were available in English, Arabic, Spanish, French, German and Hindi.


Therefore, you are warmly welcomed to join us in the GProCommission for Trainers of Pastors. Start making online connections by joining or fill out this form to be contacted by one of our GProCentral colleagues. is a secure online social networking platform that allows you to connect and grow with fellow pastoral trainers from every corner of the globe.

Remember, is a safe place to share what you’ve been doing with others in your field and to learn what they are doing. Rejoice together. Grieve together. Pray together.

Hence, learn more about by watching this video. Register for an account here.